rates vary

美 [reɪts ˈveri]英 [reɪts ˈveəri]
  • 费率有差异
rates varyrates vary
  1. Fake drug rates vary country by country , the WHO now says .


  2. Laws of physics explain why these survival rates vary .


  3. In principle , the rates vary with different insured cargoes .


  4. Actual rates vary widely by county .


  5. Rates vary greatly depending upon religion and nationality .


  6. Youth homicide rates vary dramatically between and within countries .


  7. Infection rates vary greatly between countries , with one percent in Singapore and 30 percent in Ireland .


  8. But Mr Frattini wants to ensure more unified penalties because legislation and enforcement rates vary widely .


  9. The seedling survival probability and seedling growth rates vary with the canopy opening size and seedling distance to gap edge .


  10. Also , personal tax rates vary for consultants when they work in countries other than the ones where they usually pay income taxes .


  11. A long-term experiment ( 13 years ) indicates that three type of organic manure can increase the content of soil organic matter in upland of red soil , but the rates vary .


  12. These pressure shift rates vary directly with temperature , and the experiment shows that the effects of temperature or pressure on the spectral lines of Eu3 + are not independent like that of R1 and R2 spectral line in ruby .


  13. Within countries , too , poverty rates often vary enormously .


  14. Actual billed rates may vary due to currency exchange fluctuations .


  15. Rates may vary at retail locations .


  16. That means the scope for arbitrage between the two markets is still limited , so rates can vary substantially .


  17. Dementia rates can vary significantly among Americans of different racial and ethnic groups , even if they 're in the same region of the country , a new study finds .


  18. Although wage rates will vary among employees because of differences in seniority , skill levels , and other factors , many companies use a single rate to cost specific manufacturing procedures .


  19. Rates of vaporization vary , depending upon the design of the container and the volume of the stored product .


  20. XRD results indicate that amorphous titanium oxide film is formed on the surface after anodic oxidation , and corrosion rates of titanium crystal vary along different crystalline orientation .


  21. As shown by the results , the corrosion rates of carbon steel vary with the atmospheric environment and the difference can reach a factor of 16 . Among the environmental pollution factors , the most detrimental factor is atmospheric sulfur deposition for atmospheric corrosion of carbon steel .


  22. Both interest rates and exchange rates can vary substantially between Hong Kong and the mainland , providing a big opportunity for anyone that can find ways to arbitrage the two markets .
